Hey guys
got a question on the interval section and hope u guys can help me out.
When doin a M2 interval for D sharp the calculator says its an E sharp. Why not just an F?
Thanks for the help
This is called an enharmonic. In equal temperament, an E# and an F sound the same. However, they are used slightly different. While you won’t use E# all that often, it is used.
For example, in F# major, you would have the notes C# – D# – E# – F#. Because of the key signature, you would not need to use any accidentals. However, with F♮ instead of E#, you would be required to use the accidental, and then because you made the F natural, the final F# would also need an accidental to cancel out the natural.
Which note you use often comes down to what will create the cleanest notation.