Notation question July 15, 2016 By Forum › Category: Harmony › Notation question 0 Vote Up Vote Down Jon Brantingham Staff asked 9 years ago Hi, Someone knows what is the meaning of the little circle in viiº or IIº? Thanks! Related posts: Help! Can't access Module 2 (Sonata Form class) For some reason after I took the last quiz in... Harmony Part 1-4: Basic Chord Progression No. 1 Hey Jon, I am missing a few things in this... Sentence vs Period – Differences Hi Jon, What are the main differences between a Sentence and... Welcome to the new forums! I’ve decided to abandon the first version of the forums,... Can't go past melody Hi, I’ve just completed Melody module 1 but can’t move... exercises musescore files hi John. when I open the exercises the figured bass... Functional Chord Progression Chart JonSomewhere in the course, I can’t find where, I think... Alvaro A replied 9 years ago Thanks! Pat A replied 9 years ago it means that it is a diminished chord you know that a major chord is root 3rd and 5th a diminished chord is root minor third and flat 5th 1 Answers 0 Vote Up Vote Down Jon Brantingham Staff answered 9 years ago Pat is correct, the symbol is short hand for saying the chord is fully diminished, with a minor 3rd and a flat 5th. Alvaro A replied 9 years ago Thanks!
it means that it is a diminished chord you know that a major chord is root 3rd and 5th a diminished chord is root minor third and flat 5th