It is possible to write without the aid of an instrument. Instruments can actually be detrimental to your composing.
And it’s not just instruments. DAWs, notation software, and virtual instruments all get in the way of the pure ideas we have.
Find out why.
Hi Jon. I can create various chord progressions. I then choose a pattern and create lyrics to suit. The biggest problem I have when doing that is finding words that make up good phrases with rhyming endings to match. Boy is that a problem for me. I’d love to take your course. Thank you for all the information you provide us here.
I don’t write a lot of lyrics, although I have been dabbling recently. Usually it helps to get an approximate idea of the lyrics you want first. Tell the story, and then work on rewriting lines later.
Just as with music, you get to know your piece only as you create it.
And as you get to know it, you also get ideas for what needs to be added. It just takes time.
And don’t forget
Hi Jon,
This is great. and I will certainly start with it
One minor remark though: I would like to be able to see how you wrote it….
The paper is not very visible, because it is to far away and a bit to light.
When I tried this myself years ago I was dissapointed at how ugly my notes looked compared to the printed notes in the music books… 🙁
Awesome job Jon. The human voice and tonal memory with imagination are to be developed with exercise. By the way that’s a good (A major) musical idea you shared. Thanks!!!
Hi Jon,
you know the old saying ‘when the pupil is ready, the teacher will appear’? Well, you just appeared. Thank you.