Here is another 30 minute composition. This is written in 5/8 time, so there is a constant “incomplete” feeling most of the time… but I kind of like that. As far as composing for 30 minutes, I made it to about bar 24. That is pretty much the exposition for a piece that ended up being in small ternary form. I was enjoying it so much though, that I just had to keep composing.
This is an important point to make. If you are in the zone, keep going. There is no need to limit yourself arbitrarily. But if you are not in the zone, you can stop only after your 30 minutes are up.
I am also trying a new format, youtube. Let me know how you guys like it.
Wow. Just wow. My heart connects to it in some way. You’ve expressed something I didn’t know I had to say.
Thank you.
Beautiful. Loved it. Thanks for posting, and I look forward to hearing more of 5/8 or 7/4, or 11/4, or whatever.
Thanks. I will give it a try. Just changing something as simple as the meter can have drastic effects on your creativity.
Wow. I really like this piece, Jon. Keep up the good work!
Thank you very much Dillon.