Thanks for coming to This site aims to be the preeminent site for learning about the art of composing music. This is a large topic. People have been composing for thousands of years, so I plan to take it one step at a time.
My Journey
I am a husband and father. I have a 1 and half year old son. He is the joy of my life and even though he likes to turn off my digital piano all the time when I play it, I still love him.
I am currently in the Army, but I am getting out in a few months and I am coming to a decision point in my life. I have found I don’t enjoy my job very much. I am a creative person, and believe it or not, the army is not the best source for a creative outlet. Back in college I was a music theory major, until I switched the end of my sophomore year, as music didn’t seem to fit well with an army career.
But I loved music theory. I loved composing. I loved playing and performing, but I pretty much stopped. I don’t know why, other than I used my new major, and future in the army as an excuse. I did continue to play at home, but that was about it.
Well a few months ago, I decided to write another piece of music. It is a jazz tune called Prayer for Peace. I posted it online and a funny thing happened. Someone said they liked it. I started thinking about it more and more, and wrote another one. This was feeling pretty good. So I got the crazy idea, “maybe I can do this for a living.” And here I am today.
I am on a journey to learn all that I can learn about composing. I personally love classical music and jazz, but I will try to hit on all styles, genres, and time periods. Everyone has something to add.
The topics I’ll cover most are:
- Music theory
- Creativity in composing
- The process of composing
- Important composing resources
- How to dissect a score
- How to find work
I’m sure the categories will increase as time goes on.
Let me know what you think. What is your story and what are you trying to learn to improve your composing.
Until next time,
Hi Jon. My name is Jorge. I am a music teacher and classical guitarist from Chile, South America. I’ve had my ins and outs of composing music. What has been the hardest is to learn and understand the core of music, and to explain it to my students in an understandable and simple way. I have written and recorded in many genres, from pop and rock to contemporary music. I continue learning and trying to grow. Thanks for the material on this site. I will try to keep up with all your posts and information.
The core of music is what we’re all after, and the most difficult thing to describe. But when you find it, it just makes sense.
I’m on the same journey-to learn all that I can about composing and to be the best composer I can be. Thank you.
Enjoy the journey, because it is a lot of work, but completely worth it.
Jon, let me be the first to salut you for your decision and your contribution . I stumbled upon one of your YouTube videos and I’m glad I did. Thank you
Thank you very much. I am glad you like it.